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  1. M. Tanaka, Reviews in Glass Transition of Green Polymers and the Role of Bound Water, nova science publishers, Polymer Science and Technology Series, Eds H. Hatakeyama and T. Hatakeyama, March 4 (2021).
  2. M. Tanaka, Bio-inspired Water Structure: Intermediate Water in Hydrated Bio-polymers and Synthetic Bio-compatible Polymers, World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Soft Matter and Biomaterials on the Nanoscale,  p.243-259 (2020).
  3. M. Tanaka, Design of Multifunctional Soft Biomaterials: Based on the Intermediate Water Concept. In: Chujo Y. (eds) New Polymeric Materials Based on Element-Blocks. Springer, Singapore, p.423-432 (2019).
  4. M. Tanaka, Dalysis Technology, New Design Concept of Dialyzer Biomaterials: How to Find Biocompatible Polymers Based on the Biointerfacial Water Structure, Scientific Aspects of Dialysis Therapy: JSDT/ISBP Anniversary Edition. Contrib Nephrol. Basel,Karger, vol189, 137-143 (2017).
  5. M. Tanaka,2D and 3D Biocompatible Polymers for Medical Devices,Chapter 6, Encyclopedia of Biocolloid and Biointerface Science, Wiley, Chapter6, p.82-93, (2016).
  6. M. Tanaka, Biocompatible 2D and 3D Scaffolds for Medical Devices, Chapter 10, p.229-253, Horizons in Clinical Nanomedicine, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd, (2014).
  7. M. Tanaka, Design of Novel 3D Bio-interfaces Using Self-Organization to Control Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation, Special Proceeding Book of JST-CREST International Symposium, p.71-78, JAIST Press (2010)
  8. M. Tanaka, T. Motomura, M. Kawada, T. Anzai, Y. Kasori, T. Shiroya, K. Shimura, M. Onishi, A. Mochizuki, Y. Okahata, Biocompatible aspects of Poly(2-methoxyethylacrylate) (PMEA) -The relationship among conformational change of adsorbed protein and platelet adhesion on PMEA-, Recent Advances in Enviromentally Compatible Polymer, J.F.Kennedy, G.O.Phillips, P.A.Williams and H. Hatakeyma eds., 405-410, (2001), Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, U.K.

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