
Prof. Lee, Prof. Manuel and Prof. Luo gave invited lectures at MRM2021.


Prof. Lee, Prof. Luo and Prof. Manuel gave invited lectures at MRM2021, an international conference organized by MRS Japan, which prof. Tanaka participated in as an organizer.

  • Prof. Lee(UC Berkeley, USA)
    Date: December 13th(Mon) 9:00-9:40
    Title: Bio-inspired Material Assembly and Applications
  • Prof. Manuel(UNIVERSITY of Glasgow(UK))
    Date: December 13th(Mon) 17:00-18:00
    Title: Growth factor microenvironments in stem cell engineering

  • Prof. Luo( National Taiwan University(Taiwan))
    Date: December 14th (Tue) 17:30-18:00
    Title : Engineering Antifouling Conducting Polymers: The Comparison between Thin Films and Polymer Brushes

  • Challenges for Biomaterials Design and Applications to Accelerating Healthcare Innovation